Towards Net-Zero Shipping
The shipping sector contributes about 3% of global green-house gas emissions. Although major international organizations like the International Maritime Organization (IMO) have set targets to reduce emissions, these targets are not in line with the IPCC’s 1.5-degree scenario.
Commissioned by Amplifier, sus.lab created a comprehensive report to understand the path towards zero-carbon emissions in shipping by 2050 for the Baltic and North Sea regions.​ The report sets out to:
analyze key new technologies,
identify gaps in infrastructure development,
assess the economic viability and opportunities of alternative fuels,
discuss the impact on the environment.
Moreover, this report will provide an actionable guideline for ship owners, port operators, investors and policy makers to support this transition towards a more sustainable and green future of maritime transportation.​ The report was launched on the 28th of October 2019 at a special event in Hamburg, Germany.
In combination with the main report and the executive summary, three deep-dive reports that cover the specific topics such as the technological readiness, infrastructure requirements, economics, GHG potentials, funding support, and regulatory incentives are available.